Friday, May 11, 2007

: l o v e : o n e : a n o t h e r :

I carry a madness
Everywhere I go
Over the border
and back to the snow

So if you see me
and I look right through
You shouldn't take it
as a reflection on you

Come on, turn up the sun
Turn it up for everyone

In 1995,Adan came to replace Allahyarham Sam Long{died in an accident around 2003}..

and changed their name to KGT{Kindergarten Trouble on that time}..

In 1996,they've split into two bands{KGT & Critical Narrative}..

together again as KGT in 1997..

Split in late 1998

but reform back as RadioFlyer in 1999 with Adan-voice-Lie-guitar-Adan Kgt-guitar-Hamzah{The Times}-bass-Wie-drums-..

Split again early 2001..Adan KGT start to reform back KGT with new lineup Aeis on drums & Jiji on bass and changed their name{Kelly Get Troubles}

at the same time also Radioflyer back again with Adan-voice-Lie-guitar-Adan KGT-bass/voice-Aeis KGT-drums-..and yesss....

they've split again in 2003..hahahaha...reform back with the same latest lineup

until July 2004 they've just split again{Adan been strike by "thunder" and go mental}..

In January 2005,reform back but Adan KGT decide not to join the club..Putra{TruthLies}came to replace Adan KGT's as their new guitarist..

In September 2005, tat join the club as their new 3rd guitarist..

And here We are now..Ladies & Gentlemen..We are RadioFlyer..

Band Members


mr chocolate said...

ialah tak tau nak ckp apa...ialah

mr chocolate said...

erm..apa lagi nak ckp yer..

r a d i o f l y e r said...

cakap je..

blog ni aku buat sebab nk rembat buku penulisan adan kt umah tu,

pastu kalo aku rajin aku scan.

kalo aku malas..

aku taip..

kalo aku lagi malas..aku soh adan taip...

masuk kn dlm blog ni..

biar struktur penulisan die tu tergantung di awangan media ni..


daripada tk dibaca kn..??

baik kasi sesiapa bace.

baru ilmu tu berguna..

okey :)

mr chocolate said...

bagus gak atleast karya2 adan tuh..
orng leh baca..dari simpan jerpun xguna gak..byk kegunaannya tuh..

ko rembat jer letak kat bloq nie..
sebab gua takut karya2 tuh dia wat conteng kat dinding umah kami lak..

ehe..seni ker..